Horrible Harvey

Tomorrow marks four weeks since Tropical Storm Harvey hit Houston and surrounding areas. History was made when the storm dumped almost 52 inches of rain. Many sat hypnotized in front of the TV as local news crews filmed live rescues where streets had become waterways. In the days following, I had the chance to hand out copies of my book to evacuees who took refuge at 2 shelters in Katy, the Houston suburb where I live. All classes were confined to a small space, from the rich to the poor, as they suffered the loss of their homes and belongings due to the historical weather event. Some flooded when Harvey hit, others flooded when the city released the dams from the full reservoirs. One of those homes affected by the latter included that of my mother-in-law. After 5 long days of standing water in the neighborhood, we were finally able to access her home once the National Guard removed the roadblocks. The toll was devastating for many. People lost up to 90% of their homes' contents depending on the depth of water. Once everyone gutted the interior to begin mold control, lawns had become mounds of furniture, personal belongings, flooring, insulation, sheet rock and more...all waiting to be picked up by trash trucks. I made a few live Facebook videos during those days so people could get a personal look into what they saw on the news. It's one thing to see the devastation on TV, completely another to live it in person. Below I've included the links to the videos if you'd like to see them. On the 3rd, my video came to a conclusion before I finished due to a bad connection. I wanted to show everyone a plaque we were able to save with one of the most significant verses contained in the Bible: This is the day the Lord has made,
rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 As we worked on the house for six days straight, with the help of volunteers, this plaque gave us a daily reminder of what our attitude should be. No matter what we're going through, disaster, prosperity, or somewhere in the middle, we must always maintain inner happiness for each day the Lord blesses us with. Feel free to post your stories, photos, and/or feedback in the comments section below. Live Video One Live Video Two Live Video Three Rosalie King